Coronavirus help in Tuttington

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The Coronavirus seems to be tightening its grip with the first cases in Norfolk reported this week. There are certain groups of us who are more vulnerable to this bug than others. This includes people who are older or anyone with certain underlying health conditions.

It has been suggested that people in the more vulnerable groups might be asked to stay in their homes in the coming weeks to reduce the chances of picking up the virus. This could mean that some Tuttington residents might become isolated in their homes and be unable to get their shopping or medication.

The Parish Council is hoping to set up a group of volunteers to help anyone who might be isolated in their homes.

If you are in one of the vulnerable groups or are aware of a relative or neighbour in Tuttington who might become isolated and would like the Parish Council to help, please contact the Tuttington Hub and we will pass your message along to the person co-ordinating the scheme. There will be a similar arrangement in Burgh.

If you are willing to volunteer to help get supplies to quarantined Tuttington residents, please also contact the Tuttington Hub.

See the message below from the Parish Council:

A message from Burgh and Tuttington Parish Council

Coronavirus - Community Action

Dear Resident,
In line with other local communities, your Parish Council has put together a system for aiding those of us in the village that will need to stay at home because of the virus, or indeed other emergency. We have a co-ordinator for each village and volunteers on standby to help with collection of essential groceries, prescriptions and other items urgently needed.

If you need our help, in the first instance please call or e-mail one of the following, who will then arrange for a volunteer to help with your request:

(click names for contact details):

Cllr. Ian Kinghorn (Tuttington)

Cllr. Jeremy Hickling (Burgh-next-Aylsham)

Don’t be afraid to reach out! We pride ourselves on being a close community in Burgh and Tuttington.

Residents who would like to become part of a group of volunteers in each village, please get in touch with your nearest Parish Council co-ordinator.

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