The Parish Annual Meeting was held on the 22nd May 2019 at the Burgh Reading Room. This might sound a lot like the Parish Council AGM but it’s not. It’s quite different.
A Parish Annual Meeting is a statutory event which must be organised each year between March 1st and June 1st. It is usually convened by the Chairman of the Parish Council and Parish Councillors are present. It’s purpose is to discuss parish “affairs” but there is no set format or agenda. Some parishes make a big thing of it where the Parish Council give a report of their activities throughout the year; parish groups and societies let everybody know what they have been up to and what they plan for the coming year. Sometimes, guest speakers are invited to talk on subjects of that are particular interest to the parish.
At the Burgh and Tuttington Annual Parish Meeting there were nine parishioners. The main topic of discussion was how to increase the profile of the meeting for next year so that more people could be encouraged to attend. It was agreed that the matter of the Parish Annual Meeting be discussed at a Parish Council meeting with this aim in mind.