Calm down dear. You’re speeding

  • Post category:Village Buzz
village gates

At the parish council meeting in September, the problem of traffic speeding through our neighbouring village of Burgh-next-Aylsham was discussed. The good burghers of Burgh are now considering whether or not to install village gateways to encourage through traffic to moderate it’s speed. There is evidence that boundary gateways are more effective than the Speed Awareness Message (SAM) signs which flash up your vehicle’s speed. Gateways could also work in Tuttington, and with village nameplates as well we would at least know where we are.

Would you like to have this solution to traffic speeding through Tuttington or perhaps you have other ideas? If you are concerned, speak to a Parish Councillor, or go along to the next Parish Council Meeting.

Home » NEWS & BUZZ » Village Buzz » Calm down dear. You’re speeding