Mirth holds sway on the shortest day

  • Post category:Event

Villagers gathered on the Green in Tuttington on 21st December to usher in the Christmas season with hearty renderings of favourite Carols. Lubricated with hot punch and Jenny’s mince pies, the throng of more than 30 souls followed the recorded choir and sang along to a well-known carol. 

But a technical hitch prevented further accompaniment so the village carolers were left to sing a cappella. This deterred some initially but as they gained in confidence so the volume increased.

Most of us are very familiar with the words in the first verses of most carols. But by verse six or seven, the words – sometimes Victorian or medieval – and scansion became less familiar. This led to growing incomprehension and hilarity at such phrases as ‘the shining thong’, and in the dim light, there were many who saw the frequently used word ‘Lo!’ as ‘Lol’.

This all help contribute to an atmospheric evening of mirth and sent everyone home full of the joys of the Christmas season. Thanks to all those who organised the event and those who came along. There was also a collection and a total of £60 was raised for the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital BIG C appeal.