Tuttington residents who use Google might have casually strayed from the green fields of Norfolk to the prairies of Oklahoma to discover another Tuttington. But our US counterpart has very different weather from us as each year it stares down both barrels of tornado alley.
Just south of Oklahoma city in the mid-western US state of Oklahoma is a district called Tuttington. Not much more than a couple of streets of attractive, detached residential houses, Tuttington OK looks like every movie-goers view of suburban USA. It is located between Will Rogers World Airport and the town of Moore.
But, Moore is famous or perhaps infamous as the epicentre of some of the most devastating tornado visitations in recent US meteorological history. Two particularly damaging tornado events occurred in 1999 and 2013, respectively, being of the highest category F5 tornadoes. They caused significant human tragedy and much damage especially to residential property.
We often complain about the weather here in Norfolk but we should feel for the people who live close to our namesake community in the US and be thankful for our more clement climate.