Tuttington village picnic fun

The annual Tuttington village picnic – hosted by Joe and Jan – was held on the village green last Saturday. Much fun and merriment was had by all despite the fact that it was the wettest and coolest day of the week.

The weather conditions were a perfect opportunity to anoint the new village marquee which has been purchased following very kind donations from several families and businesses in Tuttington. This enabled the organisers to arrange the tables and seating in ‘canteen’ style making for a very amenable, inclusive and friendly picnic.


Everyone brought their picnic food and drink while Nick deftly set up the barbecue. And as the Happy Eaters enjoyed the good company and chat in the marquee, the sun finally – if briefly – emerged to say Hello.

The picnic event had the usual attractions including June’s Tombola, Jan’s Water into Wine Game and Joe’s Pig Bowling contest. In addition this year, Lesley suggested some new competitions. The adults had lots of fun making vegetable monsters – though the prize for best animal was won by a much younger contributor.

On Friday, the judging team toured the village to scrutinize the burgeoning sunflowers and duly proclaimed Colin the winner for having the tallest plant. But the fun is not over yet because the biggest diameter Helianthus flower competition winner will be announced at the Village Show in September. We can hardly wait!

Jane’s bifurcate sunflower

Ruth, a tender flower…

Towering sunflower (Simon, get up off your knees!)

What a hunk, Colin (meaning the sunflower)

Glamorous garden slippers, Jan

Did Joe follow the rules, ref?

However, the item attracting even more interest by the picnickers was the Tuttington Gentlemen’s Guinness and Chocolate Cake Competition. Harping back to the days of yore when sexism was rife in our country, the men of the village showed we no longer live in those unenlightened times and produced cakes that can only be described as Mackeson-ificent!

There, on show in a gazebo set aside for the purpose, we saw Tony’s scrumptious black and cream cake and mini-me cupcake, Joe’s perfectly formed ‘Rotunda’, Simon’s surreal ‘pour and make a mess cake’, Alan’s towering tri-bottle construction with beautifully arranged shamrock floral decoration, Graham’s well risen cake with delicately hand-crafted harp – though I doubt you would get a tune out of the horizontal strings!

Tony’s cake and mini-me cupcake

Joe’s ‘Rotunda’

Simon’s surreal ‘pour and make a mess’ cake

Alan’s towering tri-bottle cake

Graham’s ‘horizontal harp’ cake

And the Winner is…
James’ golden three tiered cake

But the winning bake – almost blindingly beautiful with its gold lamé motifs – was James’ stunning three-tiered multi-flavoured cake. Presented artistically on the induction hob employed in its creation, the cake stood head and shoulders above the other offerings and attracted most votes.

After compulsory sampling of vast quantities of heavy duty Guinness and chocolate cakes, the picnickers eventually wended their ways home feeling happier, heavier and perhaps a little queasier than when they had arrived.

Many thanks go to all of those who helped to make the event such fun.

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