What does the Parish Council actually do?

  • Post category:Village Buzz
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“Not a lot” we hear some of you cry, but if you read on you might discover what it actually does – or could do – for you.

The main duty of the parish council (PC) is to represent the interests of all of the residents in a civil parish. Our local PC covers both Burgh and Tuttington. A civil parish is different from a church (ecclesiastical) parish which is the responsibility of the local parochial church council (PCC).

The role of the PC is twofold. First, it has statutory duties and responsibilities for specific things in the parish such as looking after the war memorial and allotments (if you have any).

Second, it has a more general advisory role where the interests of the parish as a whole or individual residents are represented when dealing with District and County Councils or our local MP. It has the ability to influence big decisions that could affect our community quite significantly.

Particular responsibilities of the PC include:

  • Provision and maintenance of cemeteries
  • Provision and maintenance of recreation grounds, parks, children’s play areas, playing fields and swimming baths
  • Support and encouragement of arts and crafts
  • Provision of village halls
  • Maintenance of closed churchyards
  • Cleaning and drainage of ponds, watercourses and ditches
  • Control of litter
  • Creation and maintenance of footpaths and bridleways
  • Provision of cycle and motorcycle parking
  • Acquisition and maintenance of rights of way
  • Maintenance of war memorials
  • Encouragement of tourism

PCs must be notified by District and County councils and can comment on:

  • All planning applications in their areas
  • Intention to provide a burial ground in the parish
  • Proposals to carry out sewerage works
  • Rights of way surveys
  • Introduction of certain byelaws

PCs can also exercises powers in relation to:

  • Creation of a neighbourhood plan
  • Guardianship of common land
  • Appointing trustees of local charities

A neighbourhood plan is something villages, towns and cities can develop with the assistance of local government. It allows communities to influence implementation of government and local council policy affecting things like new housing and infrastructure developments.

Producing a neighbourhood plan is quite a lot of work and usually requires commitment from many people in a community. The Burgh and Tuttington Parish Council is currently talking about the idea of us having a neighbourhood plan.

If you want to have some input, go to parish council meeting or talk to a parish Councillor

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