Village takes part in countrywide MacMillan Coffee Morning

Across the country, hoards of folk gathered on September 30th to take part in MacMillan Coffee Mornings to raise funds in aid of Cancer Care. The good residents of Tuttington did their bit too and came along to the church to partake of a fine array of cakes, scones, sausage rolls and the like to accompany a cheery cup of coffee or tea with a chat. There was also a Bric-a-Brac stall and Raffle.

More than 50 people attended and generously donated a total of £376 (and counting!). This included a handy 20 quid from our local branch of Screwfix, the staff of which were rewarded with a plate of cakes.

It is a fact of life that most of us will be touched by cancer at some time or other. We should all celebrate the essential work done by MacMillan Cancer Care and other care organisations together with the NHS, medical researchers, and many ordinary members of the community who are all working the improve cancer outcomes for us all.

Also at the coffee morning, there was a collection towards the Tuttington Village Green Christmas Tree. So far, £27 has been collected towards this much appreciated seasonal installation.

A public vote for the Tuttington 2023 Photo Calendar competition began at the coffee morning. The 34 photo submissions attracted much interest and not a little amusement in response to at least one of the offerings!