Tuttington Hub gets refreshed

  • Post category:News

Recent visitors to the Tuttington Hub website will have realised that the front page looks a bit different. In fact, ‘under the hood’ it has been sharpened up and slimmed down as well.

The original intention of the Hub was to provide a central place where village residents, and those with an interest in our goings-on, could get information.

It was never intended to have any kind of social media role since other platforms do this a lot better.

Judging by the number of visits the Hub gets, whatever it does it seems to be in demand and so it will continue to advertise upcoming events and report on what happens at them. In doing this since 2018, the Hub has evolved into something of an informal village archive and it is hoped that it might continue in this way after the current management has passed its sell-by-date.

If there is anything new you would like the Hub to do, email us and we will discuss it.