
  • Post category:Feature
Burgh church and the Trimingham radar station.

One of the good things to come out of the lockdown for some of us has been the ability to spend more time on our hobbies and interests which usually get pushed to the back of the queue behind the daily grind.

More of us have smart phones these days and more of us have been out walking than before. So combining the two seems a good way to creatively spend time.

Here are some photos taken hereabouts although in this case with a long lens. Can you work out where the cameraman was standing when they were captured?

Tuttington church...
...with Lower Farm...
...and more fields
A little further afield...

If readers have any interesting photos taken during lockdown, we will be happy to consider them for publication.

You can let us have a look by following this link to Contact Us.

We will tell you next week where the photos shown here were captured.

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