Calm down dear – you’re speeding! Revisited (again)

You will probably read in the latest edition of the Tuttington Times that the matter of traffic calming through the village will again be discussed, at the next Burgh and Tuttington Parish Council meeting.

During a recent meeting with the County Council Highways team, parish councillors were informed of the various options believed to encourage traffic calming. One option is to install village gateways – incorporating a village sign but with separate 30 mph signs – at the Aylsham Road, Banningham Road and Norwich Road entrances to Tuttington.

If accepted, the gateways will be paid for by Norfolk County Council Parish Partnership funds and discretionary funding from our County Councillor David Harrison.

Final decisions for gateways in both Tuttington and Burgh will be made at the parish council meeting to be held in Tuttington church at 7:30pm on Wednesday 11th September 2019. Residents can attend parish council meetings and there will be an opportunity to voice opinions.

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