History comes to Tuttington

As part of Open Churches Week, a social evening featuring local history was held in Tuttington church last Friday evening. The event, organised by Jan Lodge and her willing team of helpers attracted more than 60 people, largely from Tuttington itself.

Residents came to listen to an illustrated talk about our early local history and to view an exhibition of old photos, documents and artefacts brought along by the denizens of Tuttington. Chat of past times was helped along by consumption of lashings of Pimms and copious helpings of fabulous puddings brought along to the bash by many of those attending.

First to arrive on the red carpet were Ruth, Carol and Judy – escorted by Richard – getting ready for their night out clubbing later in the evening.

And then some more sophisticated attendees.

Here is David, having lost his umbrellas, eagerly anticipating a quenching glass of Pimms ably served up by Joe.

Before the more formal part of the evening, everyone chatted over a drink and talked about times gone by.

The invited speaker was Richard Harbord from Gunton who has a particular interest in the history of north east Norfolk.

As organiser Jan prepares to introduce our guest speaker she does her due diligence and indicates to the passengers the location of the emergency exit.

Richard gave a fascinating insight into the early history of our district up to the 19th Century. His meticulous research had uncovered a variety of maps and documents with which he illustrated his absorbing talk.

The speaker explained that although Tuttington itself was not the seat of an ancient manor, it was combined into a manorial grouping with a local community called Crackford between south Colby and Banningham which no longer exists.

Richard said that Tuttington also falls under the larger manorial area of the Duchy of Lancaster, the current Chancellor of which is one Michael Gove. At that knowledge there was an audible sigh of relief from the audience. No doubt they were thinking of the famous quote “We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.” A fitting epithet for the precarious lives our forebears led in this district during medieval and Tudor times.

After the talk the audience showed their appreciation in the usual way and rapidly hurried to the serving tables to partake of the delicious cakes and puddings that had been laid on.

There were several poster displays prepared by Richard Harbord detailing the land ownership and use in and around Tuttington.

But history is all about people and the many old photos and papers residents had provided for the wall displays were a focal point for many conversations during the evening.

Photos depicting relatively recent events…

…and others a little further back in time.

One of these gentlemen (above) was responsible for bringing electricity into the village.

The Old Forge, Tuttington

As the evening drew to a close the stormy weather outside gave way to the calm of the setting sun…

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