Organisers of the Tuttington Annual Village Picnic on the Green have the usual worries before such an event: Will the weather be nice? Will anyone turn up? Will David bring his bottle of port? Will the triffids lurking in the long grass run riot?, and other similar reasonable concerns. They need not have worried since the answers to the above questions were Yes, Yes, No, No which is what everyone would have wanted.

The picnic was organised not just as a convivial get-together with friends and neighbours but also to celebrate the retirement of village stalwart June Rumsby who was leaving her long-standing role as church warden of Tuttington church.

June has made a huge contribution to village life – not just as church warden – over many years. David, chair of the TTs, congratulated and thanked June for her contribution to our community and presented her with a painting of Tuttington church. The Burgh and Tuttington Parish Council also wished to recognise the part June has played in local life. Parish Councillor Simon presented a bouquet of flowers to June as a token of thanks.

The rest of the sunny afternoon was taken up with eating, drinking, idle chatter, and playing ‘splat the rat’, ‘giant Jenga’, and several other games. There was a Tuttington photo competition, a plant swap shop and plenty more to entertain the more than forty participants who enjoyed a lovely afternoon on our village green.
Our District Council team who maintain the Green had left an area of uncut grasses and flowers including a profusion of bee orchids which added to the early summer atmos. Thanks go to the TTs and all those folk who helped organise the event and those who came along to make it a success.