Our local policing engagement officer, PC Vicky Bailey, has circulated an invitation for residents to take part in a poll. The aim of the poll is to ask you what are your main policing concerns where you live work or visit. This will help inform policing priorities in Broadland neighbourhoods.
The list of concerns Vicky has outlined are as follows:
- Drugs
- Speeding
- Street drinking
- Burglary/Theft
- Violent Crime
- Road Safety
- ASB (Anti-Social Behaviour) Nuisance
- ASB (Anti-Social Behaviour) Vehicles
- Rural Crime
- Other (please specify in the return email)
You can pass on your particular concerns by one of two methods.
- Email: Pick items listed above that are of concern in your neighbourhood and send them in an email to Vicky Bailey saying which area you are referring to. Email your reply to:
- Nextdoor: Complete the poll that has been added to ‘Nextdoor’, which is a social media platform that the Police use to get messages out to your local community at this website:
The information you provide will be used to guide the police in choosing their neighbourhood policing priorities.
The poll closes on 28 February 2021