Imagine peering out of your front window to see an iceberg in your garden? Scary or what? But this is what happened to the beleaguered residents of the Old Rectory, Tuttington this week.
The iceberg in question turned out to be even more alarming than a cold hulk, being a hot hulk in the shape of a frisky bull. And what a magnificent beast he is.
Old Rectory resident Lizzie coolly took these shots as the bull named Iceberg casually wandered free around her garden. Many less brave folk would have stayed indoors when confronted by such a visitor. Happily, the event ended without further incident. After an hour or so, the owner was found and Iceberg’s period of freedom came to an end.
But Iceberg wasn’t the only animal on the loose that day in the village. Another stray animal found its way into Burton’s Farm, and two horses escaped in the middle of the village. It took an hour to wrangle them back to an enclosure.
Any more of these stray animal episodes and people might start to think that Tuttington is in competition with the Appleby Horse Fair or the Calgary Stampede!
Thanks go to Lizzie for the amazing photos.