Covid Award for our Parish

At the last meeting of the Burgh and Tuttington Parish Council in January 2022, a COVID Resilience Award was presented to each of our villages by Major General Sir William Cubitt KCVO CBE DL. The award took the form of a plaque which was commissioned for every Town and Parish Council in Norfolk. It was awarded to mark the unity felt in each community and the efforts undertaken to provide local support during the Covid pandemic in 2020 and 2021.

The plaque was designed by Ruby Douglas who is a graduate of Norwich University of the Arts. The quotation on the plaque, “live your best and act your best and think your best today”, is by Norfolk-born Harriet Martineau and was selected by the National Centre for Writing in Norwich.
Costs for the awards came from sponsorship by Adnams, The Red Socks Charitable Trust, The Geoffrey Watling Charity, The Pennycrest Trust, The Kip and Alison Bertram Trust, and The Sybil Cholmondeley Trust.
In our parish, one plaque each was presented by Sir William for Tuttington to Councillor Ian Kinghorn, Chairman of the Parish Council, and for Burgh to Councillor Jeremy Hickling, Vice-Chairman. The decision on where to place the plaques is yet to be made.
Parish Council Chairman Cllr. Ian Kinghorn receives the Tuttington plaque
A plaque for Burgh is presented to Vice Chairman, Cllr. Jeremy Hickling