The Village Show, as it happened…

The Green, Tuttington saw the first Village Show of the modern era take place this Sunday 8 September. And it is no exaggeration to say a very good time was had by all.

The previous day a group of helpers erected a caravanserai of tents on the centre of the Village Green ready to cater for refreshment. But, their main purpose was to house the more than 200 entries for the competitive business of the occasion.

The entries

On the morning of the show the entries were carefully set out with everything done most professionally…

(Select an image below to see enlarged photos with captions – apologies to those of you whose offerings have been missed out by us)

The vegetable and fruit entries

Cookery entries


Crafts, photos and art

The judging

Just to show how serious the competition was, and ancient balance from Yorkshire was employed, which in a previous life was used to judge top-end gooseberry weigh-ins. No goosegog class for Tuttington this time, but instead the heaviest cherry tomato. (Scales kindly loaned by Andra Papworth).

The judges – from Banningham Women’s Institute – were tasked with sampling every item of food (some several times) and giving the benefit of their great experience as competition arbiters.

Eventually, their arduous task was finished. After a brief lie down in the recuperation tent, the judges went on their way before the recriminations began. Happily, there were none. Many thanks go to the food and veg judges as well as the craft, photo and artwork judges who thoughtfully and fairly considered all of the entries.


With the judging completed, eager villagers arrived at the Show carrying their full “Spend-a-Penny” pots to help add to the funds in aid of the much-needed church tower repairs.

Organiser Jan was overwhelmed by residents’ generosity as the coins rattled into the towering container expertly crafted by Graham for the purpose. Jan said “I can’t imagine how much money has been donated. I am sure I will get round to counting it when Graham and I get back from our skiing holiday in Holland”

Seriously though, Jan will announce the total amount of money collected shortly.


Time to relax

After the rigours of the show competition, everyone relaxed to enjoy the remainder of the afternoon in convivial chat.

Village folk explore the show

And the winner is…

Competition winners

Well done to all of the winners and to everyone who submitted entries and made the show such a success.

A full list of all the competition winners will be published soon together with the funds collected

And if you want another look at that pesky carrot, follow this link…

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