Vice Chairman of the Burgh and Tuttington Parish Council, Colin Piggott, has stood down from the role of Councillor. His decision was announced at the last Parish Council meeting. Colin has served the community as Councillor since 2015 and as vice Chairman since 2018.
Parish Council Chairman, Councillor Ian Kinghorn, said “the parish council regrets the resignation of Colin who, during a period of changing membership on the council, provided an experienced hand as the newer members established themselves in role. As Colin departs, he was the longest serving member of the current Council and we thank him for his contribution.”
No doubt the wider village would like to echo these thanks for Colin’s work on the Parish Council and for the many other village projects to which he has tirelessly given his time. Like many a former politician, Colin will now have much more time and opportunity to spend in his garden.
The post of vice Chairman of the Parish Council was taken up by Cllr. Jeremy Hickling, who was elected unanimously by his fellow Councillors.