There will be a bric-a-brac stall on Saturday 8 May in Aylsham Market Place to raise funds for the church restoration project.
We need some good quality items to sell!
Have you been storing “stuff” that’s too good to throw, or puzzles you have completed, games and toys your family have grown out of or Christmas presents that weren’t exactly to your taste and are wondering what to do with them?
Well, they might just be the sort of thing we can sell, after all trash to some is treasure to others!
Please leave your donations in the church porch where they will be collected. Otherwise phone Jan (733985) or Jane (733859) and they will arrange for it to be collected from you.
Don’t forget to come along to the stall in Aylsham between 8:00 am and lunchtime and bag a bargain yourself!
And on the way down, pop into Tuttington churchyard and pick up another item at the mini-stall.